
A strategy soccer card game, a fast soccer match using cards as soccer players.

Strategy Soccer League is a strategic card game representing a football match. As a real match the main objective is to score more goal points than the opponent.

Rules of the game:

There are 3 type of cards:

- Soccer Players

- Game Match Actions

- Market and Money

The game starts with a market card, after playing this card the player gets 30 money to build its soccer team. Each card has a price in the upper right corner and 4 parameters: Velocity, Power, Control and Technic. Try to build a well balanced team using your money budget.

Each Turn has three main phases:

- Get cards from main deck and Play hand cards

- Buy other cards

- Trash current turn cards

Each time a new card is taken from main deck, the player has to try to play it for having the possibility to get a new main deck card until reaching finally a Goal card to score a point.

To play a Game Match Action card you have to satisfy all parameters required by the card playing max two soccer player cards from your hand. Only for goal card it is possible to play up to three soccer players.

At the end of the match the victory depends from how many goal card has been successfully played.

Used Components:

Soccer Player images are taken from a 1960 italian journal "Children's Courier".

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